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Since There Were Circles

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:23 pm
by jeffbenton
Mr. Lind,

Could you give us your thoughts on this song's lyrics?

BTW, happy Valentine's Day to you!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:21 pm
by Lind
Hey Jeff,
I'm not much good at explaining my lyrics. I just write them and allow people the freedom to digest them in their own way(s).
At one point, shortly after the album's 1971 release, I offered this comment about the title cut of SINCE THERE WERE CIRCLES:
"It's a love song from everyman to everywoman."
(A grandiose and ambitious explanation befitting a 28-year-old meglomaniac whose heart pumped equal parts self-importance and pure amphetamine.)
Past that, I leave you on your own.

Circles and squares

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:22 pm
by bob_32_116
If it's a love song from everyman to everywoman, couldn't it also be from everywoman to everyman? Or to the same sex, for that matter?

The one thing I always wondered about that song was: why the references to circles? I guess the title means the same as "since the beginning of time", but why circles in particular? A reference possibly to "circle"as in the circle and the square, the traditional symbols of male and female?

Then again,I imagine Bob is chuckling away at us all for reading more into his lyrics than he ever intended :D

Re: Circles and squares

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:16 pm
by rob68
bob_32_116 wrote:If it's a love song from everyman to everywoman, couldn't it also be from everywoman to everyman? Or to the same sex, for that matter?

The one thing I always wondered about that song was: why the references to circles? I guess the title means the same as "since the beginning of time", but why circles in particular? A reference possibly to "circle"as in the circle and the square, the traditional symbols of male and female?

Then again,I imagine Bob is chuckling away at us all for reading more into his lyrics than he ever intended :D
I get the feeling Bob isn't big on explaining specific lyrics, but I've been curious for a while myself about the meaning of the circles references.....not just in this song, but also in I Found You, and another one......can't remember the lyrics now, maybe We Are Children Still.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:08 am
by Matt
I always thought using "circles" was a reference to the planets and the saying "How long have I loved you, since the beginning of time."