Common problems: Invalid Session. Please Resubmit the Form.

When things don't work the way they should.

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Common problems: Invalid Session. Please Resubmit the Form.

Post by grant »


This is a common problem that crops up when people are replying to posts. You write your message, hit "Preview," look it over, then hit "Submit" and... instead of it magically appearing on the forum, you get this message: Invalid Session. Please Resubmit the Form.

I could explain why I think this is happening, but that'd get kind of technical and I'd be way over my head within minutes. Let me just say that:

* I think it's related to AOL (which secretly switches your internet address at regular intervals while you're doing things on the internet, confusing every other website that likes to keep track of who is doing what where), and

* I think the best thing to do is just go back and hit "Submit" again until it works. At this point. I may be able to fiddle with some code in the posting body template (the file that tells the board what to do when someone hits "Reply"), but that'll take time and effort, and someone more familiar with php than I am right now.

If this doesn't work, lemme know about it. Email is linked under that "profile" button at the bottom of this post, or at the bottom of most pages of the main website.
Last edited by grant on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:28 am
Location: peninsular america

Post by grant »

If this is still happening to you, until someone discovers a *real* fix, try this -- when you're logging in to reply to a message, put something in the "Subject" line (that blank line above the message box). Anything.

Some people on different boards have said this gets around the "invalid session" bug.

Again, this isn't a real fix, but it's something people have talked about on the website of the message board software makers.
Last edited by grant on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:28 am
Location: peninsular america

Post by grant »

Has this started happening again to anyone since the last upgrade (last week of March)??

I've been tinkering with settings, trying to fix it.
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