Common posting problems: Invalid verification code

When things don't work the way they should.

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Common posting problems: Invalid verification code

Post by grant »

Just so y'all know, if you're trying to post and getting an error message that says Invalid Verification Code, it means that two things have just happened:

1. The board is not recognizing you as logged in.
(This happens sometimes if you've just logged in -- I'm not sure why, exactly, but sometimes it takes a few times hitting "refresh" before the board accepts that you really are who you say you are.)


2. You haven't filled in the little image verification box underneath the post you've just written.
(This is that little colorful thing at the bottom left of the posting screen -- if you're not logged in, you have to put in the right sequence of letters and numbers shown in that wiggly, colorful text. This is a measure to prevent posts from spammers, who often use automatic little programs to do their bidding automatically. The bots -- the programs -- don't have eyes, so they can't see the image with the little colorful letters in it.)

So if you're having this problem, either logging in or else using that image verification box should clear everything up.

If not, again, please send me an email (it's underneath my username here -- just clickity click, and you should be good to go -- or else at the bottom of all the pages on the main website).
Last edited by grant on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:28 am
Location: peninsular america

Post by grant »

On the heels of the not-exactly-the-same confirmation code thing described here, I've turned off image verification for unregistered posters.

Call it an experiment -- if we don't get hit by a wave of spam or some other tragedy, I might just keep this one off.
Last edited by grant on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:28 am
Location: peninsular america

Post by grant »

Aaaand, the spammers started up again. Almost immediately.

I haven't turned this back on yet -- I added a new modification, though, that should disable Guests from posting URLs (which is what spammers do -- the actual content of spam is URLs, or web addresses). So if you catch a few weird new topics, that's probably why.
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