Loading a piccie...

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Loading a piccie...

Post by MUSICERA »

Hey Grant...is it possible to load a picture onto the forum ?

Last edited by MUSICERA on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by grant »

Not really. To display a picture, you would need to link to it -- it'd have to be hosted elsewhere.

So, in practical terms, you'd have to take yer picture file (a .jpg or .gif, in all likelihood) and upload it to somewhere like http://www.flickr.com.

Then, once uploaded, you'd have to get its address (right-click on the image, "copy image address" or, if not that, then "view properties," highlight&copy the URL).

Once that's gotten, you'd stick it on here like so:

Code: Select all

It's not actually loaded up here, just displayed on here through a link.

That make sense?


Oh, and one other thing -- this bulletin board software doesn't let you resize images, so make sure whatever file you link to isn't too huge, otherwise it'll make the topic unreadable -- all the text will fall off the right margin, fitting the width of the image.

Oh, oh, and two other thing -- sometimes, the software won't recognize addresses that have colons and other strange characters in them. That shouldn't happen with flickr, but if you're using Google Image searches, that won't work.
Last edited by grant on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost In The Crash

Post by Lost In The Crash »

I thought computers were meant to make life easier :roll: Sounds a bit fangled to me but I might give it a try at some point...

It was only that I came across a Serge Gainsborough LP in my shop the other day and the cover was a dead ringer for Since There Were Circles. I think it was from the late seventies. Bob was clearly influential in cover art as well as musically ! 8)

Thanks for all the technical info Grant.

Last edited by Lost In The Crash on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost In The Crash

Post by Lost In The Crash »

Oops...that was me...forgot to log in !
Last edited by Lost In The Crash on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rob68 »

Pretty sure this is the one you meant......from 1979.

Last edited by rob68 on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
....I went to the river and I stood on the shore. I stood in the twilight of the life I had before....
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Post by MUSICERA »

Nice one Rob...saved me a job :wink:

All it needs is Bob's motorbike !
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