Great News: Bob's publisher, Lulu Press, has selected his novel, EAST OF THE HOLYLAND, to be featured on, the world's largest online bookseller! This will mean increased visibility and a whole lot more prestige for Bob as a literary voice. You can check it out here: ... 679&sr=1-1
This is a rare honor, and we're delighted about the selection. But (since it's just us talking here) we urge you, if you don't have the book, please don't pay those Amazon prices. Due to the nature of the online publishing game, there's no way to keep the price down at bookstore level. Even on the cost is high. Amazon has to mark it up even more to make a profit.
So our advice is to go directly through Lulu ( ... nd/5953502)
We appreciate the support you have given the book but we don't want to see fans pay more for it than they need to.
However, there is one thing you CAN do, if you're so inclined: If you've read the book and have strong opinions about it (one way or the other), Please post a review on the Amazon site. They mean a lot.
And of course we also urge you to post your review on the thread called: ANNOUNCING THE RELEASE OF BOB's FIRST NOVEL, here in this section of the message board.
Grant will move it to the Reviews section of the site. It's great to see the book starting to catch on after a very slow start.