A new horizon and the timeless things that occupy it.

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Re: A new horizon and the timeless things that occupy it.

by Lind » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:26 pm

Hey Roland, thanks for the eloquent expression of your feelings about my music and about music in general.
It's always good to hear from people who were touched by my early songs.
I always like to remind newcomers to check out the songs I'm writing now.
There are some demos on the playlist page. Hope you've heard them.

It's good to have you with us. Hope to hear more from you.

A new horizon and the timeless things that occupy it.

by Bobbygow » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:29 pm


Butterflies still float through the skies, dreamers still wake in the morning, things still move past our windows in the wind and sounds such as yours are as timeless as these things and yet just as new as each sunrise. There are always record companies and producers looking for the new sound but isn't it sort of funny that when they do find what the believe to be the next craze they still promote it all using the same "old" methods? Sort of a contradiction isn't it? Who ever said a certain sound is now "out of fashion" or "antiquated" and how did so many people listen and believe it? People still fall in love! Antiquated? Is there a new way to do it? I like what I like and dislike what I dislike. Is there a new way to like and dislike? I guess the main thing I'm saying is that all of this wonderful musical diversity, whether it be from yesterday... a week ago... ten years ago... decades ago... or even longer should never be considered worthless. We can build on it, yes. In fact, all modern music and perhaps all music since the beginning of time cannot help containing influences from what went before. There are so many styles and elements in music that have taken on a life of their own. And indeed, when you create music you basically give birth to something new that never would have existed without you, or those who came before you who's music you loved and cherished. I know I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know... just expressing (probably in a poor way) how I feel about it all. I'll give you an example you probably won't be expecting as it is a style of music vastly different from yours. Randy Rhodes, the lead guitarist (who tragically died in that plane crash) for Ozzy Ozbourne. Now Randy had a love for classical music and yet played rock 'n roll. But he incorporated his love of the past artists (and I mean, way past!) and managed to create something in his unique way of playing that did indeed change the world of music. But in changing that musical world he was part of he drew from the brilliance that came before him. Your music has inspired me on many an occasion to write things that otherwise may have been written in a different way, if they'd been written at all without your influence. See what I'm getting at? I'll stop rambling now... but thanks man. Thanks for adding your waves of sound into a sea of music that desperately needed them. Or for at least one young kid way back when who happened to be at that magical beach when your wave of sound drifted over the sand.

All the best,

Rolland B. Heiss
