How does Bob set about writing these wonderful songs?

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by i believe » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:48 pm

that bob was given a gift by god to bless others, as john denver said that he knows he was blessed by god and not to share it with the world would be a slap in the face.

by Daniel H » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:06 pm

I may be coming out of left field here, but ummm--I think you were born with good verbal skills, Bob!

by Lind » Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:54 pm

Hello Kie, I thank you for your many posts thoughout this forum. Good to have you with us.
I understand your question. One of my passions is chess. I always want to ask masters what their secret is. How they're able to have such an astounding vision of the board.
But the truth is I don't know how I do what I do. My guess is that it's just a skill that gets built up through experience. I do believe that anyone who writes and continues to write day after day for months and years will eventually get good at it.
I think most good writers are good not because they're necessarily born with good verbal skills, but because they persist.
This is the best I can do.

More to the point: Thanks for your enthusiasm about my work.

by Daniel H » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:01 am

I've often wondered the same thing, Kie--where do the ideas come from, the gorgeous imagery, the ability to put into language (with an economy of words) feelings and concepts which would be impossible for most people to express in a book-length essay, if at all. The answer: that's what poets do.

by Lost In The Crash » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:22 pm

If you think elusive butterfly is a novel than be sure to look under the song or two section for the lyrics in the Lost songs of Bob Lind and Whose is the Funeral sections. They are other Novels in the wonderful library of Lind What beautys!!!!! Ed Hackie

How does Bob set about writing these wonderful songs?

by Kie Miskelly » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:35 am

As a journalist of almost 40 years standing - I'm Editor of the Metro newspaper in Scotland at the moment - I've often wondered how hard/easy it was for Bob to write stuff. To me, Elusive Butterfly, as one example, is a stunning piece of writing - I'd put it next to Gordon Lightfoot's If You Could Read My Mind in the quality stakes. It's not so much a song as a novel. So I'm wondering how it came about, where the original idea came from and how long it took Bob to get it down on paper... so over to you Bob! (When you get back from your latest sojourn of course! Wish you'd been able to do a show nearer Glasgow)
