Message for Bob Lind

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by star » Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:38 pm

Hi Bob,

I am sure Eddie with be ecstatic to get your response, which I have copied into a word document and will mail to him tomorrow. I have also encouraged him to think hard on acquiring a computer to make it easy for him to join us and do so many other things online, now that he will really see the benefit. Of course, I surely don't mind being his "proxy," as he is my long-time friend and has helped me in so many ways in the past (parties at his home, food, etc.). Thank you so very much.



by Lind » Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:50 pm

Hey Keith, I hope you'll be good enough to relay this message to Eddie:

Hi Eddie welcome to my message board albeit by proxy.
Thanks for your kind words about -- and gung-ho support for -- my work.
I can't begin to tell you what a joy it is to hear that GHIV likes my music, and how happy I am to know he's still around and recording.
When I was in 8th grade, "Rose and a Baby Ruth" was the anthem of every rejected, heartbroken teen who ever tasted Bryll Cream flavored tears.
And I liked "If You Don't Know (I Ainta Gonna Tell You)" too. As I recall, it was on the B side of "Rose" wasn't it? I loved his production. He was sailing on that resonant echo-chamber ship when no one outside of the Sun label was even thinking about it.
But then, throughout the years I've heard him keep growing. Every once in a while I'll hear him do some song it would never have occurred to me would be coming from him.
I may be wrong about this, but as I recall, didn't he even cover Joni's "Urge For Goin'?"
Man, there's a guy with an ear for a song and a guy who isn't afraid to stretch.
If you talk to him, please tell him he made a powerful impact on me back when I was fantasizing about growing up and making music.

Message for Bob Lind

by star » Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:38 pm

Hello everyone!

I just registered for your appears to be swell board. My friend Eddie Lawing wanted me to post a message to Bob Lind as Eddie has no computer. So, here 'tis:

Hello from a North Carolina Bob Lind fan,

My friend Keith Totherow (that's me, typing this letter) found your web site
and ordered your cd for me last year. I am an old fan and still remember
you from American Bandstand. My favorite song is still Drifter's Sunrise.
I even have the version by the Gants.

I was into music heavy in the 60's and 70's. I played with 17 rock bands
until "heavy metal" came in. I changed to country and played with many
country artists. I played bass or drums with Mel Tillis, Loretta Lynn and
George Hamilton IV. George played folk and country and enjoyed your songs.

He is doing a new album for RCA in England. I sent him 10 songs of yours which are my favorite. I hope he will use some of them.

I had your address and telephone number from your "unofficial infofest site" in 1998 but decided it would be too intrusive so I didn't try to contact you.

I enjoyed the cd and hope you will keep on making them. I hope you will do Drifter's Sunrise without the fade out and I will hear the whole song.

A friend from California found "We May Have Touched" and I found a copy of "The Only Way Is Down." I have all your music except your very first record.

I hope you will be rediscovered by the mainstream now that you are back.

George promised to let his A & R man from RCA hear your songs. Maybe you will get on a major label and I will start going back to the record store again.

May everything keep going well for you, and remember that many of us still listen to your music. And that is enough, from a North Carolina Bob Lind fan.

Eddie Lawing
POB 326
Terrell, NC 28682


Bob, thank you for making this board possible, as I am sure many hundreds of your fans will appreciate it. I put Eddie's address in just in case, but if you do want to answer his letter, you can do it here if you like and I will see that he gets it. Peace. star
